
Un meteoro apocalíptico

Me pregunto, por qué estas cosas nunca pasan en mi país???


Cómo se forma un arcoiris

Aquí una explicación científica de cómo se forman los arcoiris…

Desde: www.extremismo.com


Gallinas a favor de la NO violencia

Deberíamos aprender de algunos animales…


Usar Google Docs como Disco Duro Virtual

Encontré este post y me pareció muy útil:

Si nos fijamos en la parte superior izquierda de la venta principal de Google Docs veremos el botón subir.

Google Docs

Tras presionarlo, accederemos a la pantalla de subidas, donde observamos algunas características interesantes de este servicio, como el hecho de que podemos subir archivos de hasta 250 Mb (que no esta nada mal), hasta un máximo de 1 Giga, que es la capacidad de que dispondremos para ficheros que no sean de Google Docs (podemos comprar mas si queremos, claro).

Google Docs

Y listo, si volvemos a la pagina principal de Google Docs, veremos los archivos que hayamos subido en la lista de documentos y desde donde podremos gestionarlos como un documento mas, compartirlos, moverlos de carpeta o descargarlos.

Desde: http://www.geeksur.com


Cuando la amistad es más fuerte que el instinto

Una buenas tomas de unos guepardos jugando con un impala…

Cheetahs play with little Impala

Cheetahs play with little Impala

Desde: http://likecool.com/

Home stuff Car Style Body Entertainment

Richard Branson’s Underwater Plane

By Ben on Wed Feb 3 2010 | Comments this
Richard Bransons Underwater Plane

Richard Bransons Underwater Plane

Car | Other
After owning a mobile phone company, an airline company, a Caribbean island and some luxury restaurants, billionaire Sir Richard Branson’s latest possession is an underwater plane dubbed the Necker Nymph. It can dive to depths of up to 130ft, Richard hopes to one day explore depths of 35,000ft, and it will cost Branson around 415,000 British pounds.
The Necker Nymph is is relatively small and can carry just three people, one pilot and two passengers.The luxury sub has fighter jet technology and is piloted with a joystick. While most subs use ballast to propel subs under the water, the Nymph uses downward ‘lift’ on the wings to fly down. It was designed and built by Graham Hawkes.


By Ben on Wed Feb 3 2010 | Comments this


Gear | Design
This watch is called Geocentric. Geocentric watch uses a motion that is similar to that of a planet rotating around a sun.  The rings of the watch are in constant motion, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. The goal of this watch is to create a new form of telling time that will inspire and spark wonder in the viewer. Now it’s just a concept design.

Music Player Turns Into A Bed

By Ben on Wed Feb 3 2010 | Comments this
Music Player Turns Into A Bed

Music Player Turns Into A Bed

Gear | Concept
Is this a bag? It is a music player and is also a bed box with speakers. The Mu Space music player(it’s just a concept) opens up and unfolds into a cozy little pillow with an actual bed (or sheets, anyway) attached to it. Designed by Yuan-Hao Hsu & Lin Tzu Hsuan. Its speakers can be rotated around to play music outwards or inwards while you are sleeping.

Needle-Felted Skull

By Ben on Tue Feb 2 2010 | Comments this
NeedleFelted Skull
Gear | Other
Needle-Felted Skull by flickr user urone317.

Lina Scheynius

By Ben on Tue Feb 2 2010 | Comments this
Lina Scheynius

Lina Scheynius

Gear | Pic
By photog Lina Scheynius.

The Anti-Bottle

By Ben on Tue Feb 2 2010 | Comments ( 2 )
The AntiBottle

The AntiBottle

The AntiBottle

Home | Outdoor
The Vapur Anti-bottle($9) is a reusable BPA-free, foldable bottle that you can roll up when empty and stash back in your bag. There’s an integrated carabiner to help it hang around, you can freeze it full of water and it will even go into the dishwasher on the top shelf. It has a small label allowing the bottle to be personalized with the user’s name. Perfect for outdoor using. Priced at $8.95 each, or $29.95 for a four-pack.
Unlike rigid water bottles, Vapur is completely collapsible. This means it goes more places and fits in tighter spaces than any other bottle. Whether you are hiking the trails, passing through airport security or visiting the museum with your family, Vapur makes water infinitely portable.”
Source |   Price: $9   |   BUY

Embrace Life – always wear your seat belt

By Ben on Tue Feb 2 2010 | Comments this
Gear | AD
always wear your seat belt!

Heart Mug

By Ben on Tue Feb 2 2010 | Comments this
Heart Mug
Gear | Office
Heart Mug(£12.21) designed by Reiko Kaneko. The handle and its printed shadow completes a heart, clever!
Made in Staffordshire, England
Source |   Price: GBP 12   |   BUY

Conan O’Brien Cheetos Portrait – Cheesy Art

By Ben on Tue Feb 2 2010 | Comments this
Gear | Video
Artwork made entirely with cheetos, an unnamed artist used about 2,000 cheetos from 50 bags for the work.

Cheetahs play with little Impala

By Ben on Tue Feb 2 2010 | Comments ( 1 )
Cheetahs play with little Impala

Cheetahs play with little Impala

Cheetahs play with little Impala


El amor, jajaja!

Esto es espíritu de competencia…


50 Recortables para niños… y para nosotros también…

street fighter

Buscando algunos recortables para niños en Internet, me encontré con una lista de “50 Recortables” para realizar varias figuras, me vino como anillo al dedo, casi en su totalidad son del tema friki, dibujitos animados y demás temas infantilñes, lo vi en Emezeta. Me atrajo por que me gustan las cosas de chicos, y a ellos les va a resultar muy interesante para hacer figuras como Pikachu, como podemos en el post. Hay que felicitar a Emezeta por ésta terrible recopilación, los chicos van a estas felices sin duda, que lo disfruten.

  1. Recortable de Domo-kun
  2. Recortable de Zelda
  3. Recortable de Tux (Linux)
  4. Recortable de un iPod video (y shuffle)
  5. Recortable de Shin Chan (y parte 2)
  6. Recortable de Spiderman
  7. Recortable de la moto de Tron
  8. Recortable de Stargate
  9. Recortable de Super Mario (parte 2) (dentro de un conejo)
  10. Recortable de un Power Mac G5 (PDF)
  11. Recortable de Kirby (y otra versión)
  12. Read the rest of this entry »


Eres mi Mamá???

Cualquiera se equivoca…

ados perrovaca ¿Mamá?


¿Qué es un iPad?

Seguramente ya han visto la publicidad en muchas partes… aqui un resumen…

Se ve bravazo… pero desde un punto de vista más Geek sólo nos queda mostrar este cuadro de resumen…


El nuevo Monopolio


Monopoly cumplirá 75 años dentro de poco y según Gizmodo.com celebrarán renovando el diseño del tablero. Debiera salir al aire en un par de meses por 35 dólares. Y no se preocupen, se seguirá vendiendo el modelo clásico.

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